dual layer vrs double layer DVD
(too old to reply)
2006-10-08 19:59:11 UTC
Kas keegi oskab maakeeles seletada mis vahe on dual layer vrs double layer
DVD-l? Kas need vajavad mingeid spetsiaaltoorikuid kirjutamiseks?
2006-10-08 21:59:11 UTC
ideepoolest on vahe siis see, et dual layer on kahekihiline
double lyer on khepoolne plat millest kummalgi pladi poolel on 1 kiht
Post by Topjobu
Kas keegi oskab maakeeles seletada mis vahe on dual layer vrs double layer
DVD-l? Kas need vajavad mingeid spetsiaaltoorikuid kirjutamiseks?
2006-10-10 07:12:55 UTC
Kas see ikka on nii?? Kahepoolne saan mina aru nagu umbes tuleks plaati
pöörata. Googeldades loen välja, et ei pea pöörama, mõlematel variantidel on
ühepoolsed (DVD9) ja kahepoolsed (DVD18 tuleb plaati pöörata) variandid.
Post by unknown
ideepoolest on vahe siis see, et dual layer on kahekihiline
double lyer on khepoolne plat millest kummalgi pladi poolel on 1 kiht
Post by Topjobu
Kas keegi oskab maakeeles seletada mis vahe on dual layer vrs double layer
DVD-l? Kas need vajavad mingeid spetsiaaltoorikuid kirjutamiseks?
Sulev Svilponis
2006-10-11 16:42:07 UTC
It is interesting to note that the DL in DVD+R DL actually stands for Double
Layer and not Dual-Layer, however the terms are often interchanged, and some
media is advertised using both terms. The DVD+RW Alliance uses the Double
Layer terminology to help prevent confusion with the fact that most DVD
burners are also capable of reading and writing Dual Format (+ and -) media.
Since the term Dual-Layer was originally used with pressed DVD-9 discs, it
seems that many are maintaining the use of that terminology for pressed
DVD-9 discs, while reserving the Double Layer designation for writable or
rewritable discs. In the end, the only important thing to note is that for
all intents and purposes the terms are identical, and are often used
John Smith
2006-10-11 19:46:46 UTC
Minul on arusaamatu, et kui originaal DVD on dual layer, siis kas sellest
saab teha diskcopy double layer plaadi peale (DVD+R DL). Proovin ja proovin
aga mingi hetk ütleb write error. DVD mängijas ei hakka tööle. Samas arvutis
pärast seda vist nagu mängib, hoolimata sellest et write error.